All About Oil Cleansing

Green knitted cloth out of focus with bottle of Scintilla's Oil Cleanser laid over it

If you’re new to the concept of oil cleansing, the thought of adding oil to the skin, nevermind actually “washing” your face with oil, might sound a little weird. In this blog, we’re giving you the key info on what the oil-cleansing really is, which ingredients are the best for cleaning skin, and how to add this step into your skincare routine.

What is “Oil Cleansing”?

In simple terms, it is using an oil mixture in place or alongside your typical soap-based, foam or gel cleanser. Using a soap-free cleansing product is particularly beneficial for those with drier skin, surfactants in foamy, bubbly cleansers tend to dry the skin out more as they strip away some of the skin’s natural oil. Contrary to popular belief, oils absorb oils, therefore an oil cleanser will cling to any dirt, make up and excess oil allowing you to simply swipe it away with the product. 

Oil cleansing is simply a method of facial cleansing, whereby the oils in your cleanser absorb excess sebum, dirt and make up from the skin. There are several ways in which you can use the oil cleansing method in your skincare routine, and if you’re new to it then it’s worth trying a few different methods to work out what feels best for you. When starting to incorporate oil cleansing, it’s important not to sacrifice anything else in your current routine so that you can clearly see the effects. 

How to use an oil cleanser

There’s a few different options depending on how your skin feels, the below directions are best suited from driest to oiliest skin:

  1. Use with clean bare hands and apply all over, rinse away, add another small amount and blot before leaving on.

  2. Use with clean bare hands and apply all over, add water and work into a runny consistency, rinse again and pat dry.

  3. Use with clean bare hands and apply all over, rinse a face cloth, reusable make-up wipe or reusable cotton pad and squeeze out, use to wipe the oil away from the face.

  4. Use with a reusable make-up wipe or cotton pad and apply liberally to the face in a circular motion, use clean hands to massage in further, rinse wipe or pad and wipe clean.

  5. Use either method 3 or 4, then follow with an additional cleanser - milk, foam or gel to remove all oily residues.

You can also use a mixture of these methods throughout your week, or even different times of the month if your skin has particular hormonal sensitivities. 

Look out for the good ingredients

If your skin is typically on the oilier side, or acne-prone, or both, this might be a little intimidating. A mega myth that needs busting is that using an oily product on oily skin will make you oilier, and cause breakouts. Nope! Our facial skin is playing a constant balancing act, maintaining enough sebum production to keep skin hydrated and protected, if we introduce a little more oil, the skin regulates to reduce the amount it produces. 

If you have drier skin, oils like sunflower, castor and jojoba are good for delivering a good dose of moisture, if you have oilier skin, lighter oils like Apricot Kernel, Camellia and Jojoba are best. Jojoba is one of the key ingredients we’d advise you to look for when looking at oil-based skincare. The natural make up of Jojoba is very similar to the skin’s sebum, making it a great match for maintaining balanced skin and reducing the chances of irritation. 

Olive oil, Grapeseed oil, Avocado oil and Sweet Almond oil are also kind to skin, and not too heavy on application which too reduces chances of pore-clogging. Whatever you choose, if it includes coconut oil in the first 1-4 ingredients, AVOID. 

What can you expect when introducing an oil cleanser?

Calmer, brighter and more hydrated skin. Sounds great right? Like any product though, you have to work out what works best for you. It may mean a transition period where your skin adapts to the new routine, much like with any new product, it may mean that you have to try different levels or different ways of application as we discussed above. Oil cleansing has also been seen to reduce the inflammation of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, reducing the redness of breakouts and helping them to heal, and depending on which ingredients are added to the key oils, can act as topical remedies for wrinkles and age spots.

Scintilla’s Fresh-Faced Oil Cleanser

We've been working on reformulating our Fresh-Faced Oil Cleanser. With a base of Camellia and Jojoba oils, plus one of our favourite plant oils: Strawberry Seed, this formula delivers a consistency that is enough to absorb oils and dirt from the surface of the skin, yet light enough to leave a moisturising sheen that helps to protect and plump. Head to the Shop page to find out more and take a look at our Double Cleanse bundle too!


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